Tuesday 3 November 2009

Poster Research-'The Matrix'

The Poster for “The Matrix” uses the codes and conventions for a typical film poster, it gives the audience the name/title of the film and it shows some of the main characters.

Having the image be of some of the main characters is good as it brings the audience in from look alone. It also links with the writing for the names of the actors who play these characters and who are in the film. Making the fans of these actors want to see the film purely because they are a fan.

At the bottom of the film poster it has writing saying about the film release date but also has a catch phrase/slogan after it, it says ‘on April 2nd the fight for the future begins.’ This tells the audience when the film is going to be released and what to look forward to.

From looking at this poster it has made me think about which characters from my film I need to include in my poster image and how I can link that with the font of the actors names.

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