Monday 9 November 2009

Poster Target Audience

1. Gender-male/female-
My film Poster will be made for both males and females to view. The poster will not be aimed directly at either sex, but most likely men would prefer to look at it as it most likely gory and very graphic, although some women also find that pictures/posters that are graphic are interesting to look at as they don’t see that sort of thing every day.
The genre for my poster shall be Thriller/Horror like with the genre for the film teaser trailer itself. The film poster may include violence and be rather graphic; this means it may include a lot of blood and guts. I would like my audience to look at the poster and some what feel a little bit sick to the stomach and may feel scared, creeped out or mystified.

Age-the age group e.g. elderly, teenagers etc-
My film poster will be aimed towards older children-adults aged 15-18 or older. This is because it may include a mild use of violence or explicit violence and may use a very graphic picture which younger children would not like. The poster would be put in areas around cinemas and in places where young adults tend to go, this would be good advertisement for the film but also would be good as younger people who may not like the look of the poster will not go to such places. Although I couldn’t make it to, to bad as people will refuse to advertise it for me, putting it up and the public may complain about it.

Class-ABC1, C2DE, lower, higher etc-
I would like my film to be for anyone from any class who like to watch thriller/action genre films.

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