Tuesday 6 October 2009

Questionnaire Result-On a poster for a film what gets your attention?

From the results to this question I am able to get a better understanding of what people look for on a poster and the best thing on that poster which grabs their attention. According to the results the main thing that caputures peoples attention on a film poster is the main picture which had 20 out of the 25 votes. 3 people voted that the actors names grab their attention. 1 vote said that the film company name gets their attention and 1 vote said the font/title grabs their attention. These results will help me when making my film poster as it can show which part of the poster I need to concentrate on most. The results gathered were from the public, the age range of the people who took the questionnaire was 5-50+, from the 25 people there were 15 men and 10 women.

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