Thursday 1 October 2009

Research Questionaire


Please fill in this questionnaire; it would be most appreciated, thank you. Circle the answer for you.

1. What gender are you?

· Male
· Female

2. How old are you?

· 5-10
· 11-14
· 15-18
· 19-21
· 22-35
· 36-50
· 50+

3. Which of the following attracts you to go and see a film, before it has been released?(circle two please)

· The Trailers
· The Poster
· Magazine publicity
· The Website
· The Reviews
· Television documentaries

4. What Genre of film do you prefer?

· Action
· Romantic
· Thriller
· Comedy
· Sci-fi
· Disaster

5. Where do you most often see a film trailer?

· Internet
· Cinema
· CD
· TV

6. What is the most intense part of a ‘thriller’ genre film?

· The music/soundtrack
· The characters
· The graphic-blood, guts etc
· The build up
· Other (please specify below)

7. On a film Magazine cover what gets your attention?

· The font/ title
· The main picture
· The stories or reviews in the magazine
· The layout of all the pictures
· Other (please specify below)

8. On a poster for a film what gets your attention?

· The main picture
· The font/title
· The actors names
· The film companies name
· Other (please specify below)

Please write any other comments on any of the questions below or any comments on the topic of a thriller genre, thank you.

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