Friday 2 October 2009

Questionnaire result-Which of the following attracts you to go and see a film, before it has been released?

As you can see from the results and graph below, with 50 votes, two votes for each person. The highest number of votes was 25 votes saying that people are attracted to see a film before release by the trailers. This shows everyone used one of there two votes to say that trailers are the best way for advertisement of a film before its released. The second and third highest votes were for advertisement through posters and through magazines. These results help me think about the best way for advertising my film and helps give me a background idea of which advertisement I have to concentrate on making the best. The results gathered were from the public, the age range of the people who took the questionnaire was 5-50+, from the 25 people there were 15 men and 10 women.

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